The Menu, My Love
Tantra Massage & Yoni Healing
A Tantra Massage is an experience that invites you to slow down, reconnect with your body and explore deeper layers of yourself. It’s a space for healing, releasing tension and attuning to your natural energy flow.
Yoni Healing offers a gentle and nurturing way to release old emotions and trauma, create space for your sensual self and feel more at home in your body.
These practices are about creating a safe, sacred space where you can relax, let go and explore yourself without performance pressure. -
Sex & Intimacy Coaching
Sex and Intimacy Coaching is all about helping you create deeper, more connected relationships- with yourself and with others.
Whether you’re looking to communicate your desires more clearly, overcome challenges in the bedroom or gain a more spiritual perspective on sexuality, this is a space where I can help you uncover what intimacy truly means to you, work through any blocks and help you feel more fulfilled in your life. -
Devoting to the Masculine
This is offered as private Masterclass or Group Workshop.
At its heart of this offering is the practice of ‘Cockworship’- a reverent approach to engaging with the masculine essence. Combining teachings on tantric touch, lingam massage and sacred rituals, this workshop helps participants create a soulful, meaningful experience for themselves and their partners.

The Yoni is a woman’s sacred flower, her opening is to the inner depths of her soul, heart, sexuality and intuition. There is power and radiance possible for every woman as she learns to accept, enjoy and love her Yoni.
Yoni Massages are a deep practice of coming home to yourself, to lovingly heal any shame or emotional blockages that we may have gathered from our life experiences or from culture or linage.
A Yoni Massage Ritual guides us how to approach with sacred acceptance, finding the love and beauty inherent in our own sex.
Possible Directions for us to go
Tantric Massage
Tantric Yoni Massage is an invitation into the deepest states of relaxation, self-connection and the healing power of unconditional love and presence.
The deep Mystics of Tantra teach us how to merge spiritual and sexual ecstasy. It’s one of the highest spiritual arts, as it marries together soul and matter, bringing in the divinity and innocence of eroticism and spirituality.
The ritual of receiving this Tantric Massage is a sacred blessing to the body and an honouring of all parts of our being including what is vulnerable, what is wild and what is pleasurable.
This massage focuses on the body and the outer parts of the Yoni and can include internal touch.
Yoni Mapping
Yoni Mapping involves the methodical exploration of both the external and internal parts of your Yoni, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of sensations, preferences and dislikes when it comes to touch.
Often women struggle to discern the direction or location of touch within their Yoni. Through presence and slowness, we’ll create a ‘map’ that will support your ability to connect with and feel more within your Yoni.
Yoni Dearmouring
Yoni Dearmouring is the targeted application of massage techniques and gentle pressure to specific regions on the outside of the yoni and the vaginal canal, which stimulates blood circulation and the release of stored emotions, traumas or solidifications.
This transformative process allows you to experience heightened sensations, deeper pleasure and ultimately more freedom and fulfilling orgasms.
Womb Clearing
An ancient ritual to release, clear and recirculate anything that is stuck or stagnant in the womb (space). As naturally receiving beings, a lot of energy can attach itself unwantedly and if we don’t consciously and ritualistically release it with intention, it can affect and influence us.
This could be emotions, the imprint of a former lover, a negative experience you can’t seem to shake off or something you want to specifically let go of in your life.
This ritual gives the opportunity to reset the womb and set an intention to only allow what serves you to enter your being.
Internal touch can be included.

Potential Benefits
Deeper connectivity to oneself
Awakening the deep pleasure that lies within you and your entire body
Integration and connection of the mind, heart and sex as one
Opening the pathways to full body orgasm
Learn how to fully surrender and receive
Release traumas and shame in the body
Unfurling of emotional blockages
Learn about boundaries within yourself and sense when they come up
Sequence of the Session
After welcoming you, we’ll have some tea and have a conversation about your intention and why you’ve come to see me. We’ll feel together into the ideal way to structure this session for you, finding ways to make you feel safe and set our container.
You’ll have the opportunity to have a shower and prepare yourself, and from there, we’ll move into a grounding & meditation practice.
What follows is a loving, soft back and front massage to help your body feel safe, relaxed and surrendered; and for you to get used to my energy. According to our agreement, your desires and openness, we’ll take slow steps towards the Yoni and genital area- if you wish so. There will be multiple times when I’ll check in with you and ask permission.
If anything is not a clear felt yes in your body, we will pause, feel and breathe together.When the bodywork part feels complete, there will be some integration time for you after in which we’ll have a check-in and debrief conversation.
You will have the opportunity to share your experience, ask questions and I can share with you what I’ve noticed and potential next steps for you to take.If anything after the session arises, I’m here for you.
In all the sessions, we’ll be moving at the pace of your own body- not your (potentially goal-driven) mind. That means moving slowly and checking in regularly with yourself.
It means that while we’ll set an intention of where we could be going, sometimes the most healing thing is to take a step back and not do the internal work, or only put the gentlest of pressure.
Sometimes the most healing thing is to tell your body that you’re listening and not overriding. This way of repatterning may be the most important foundation to recreate trust within yourself.
Reach out and we find the right session for you darling!

Sex & Intimacy Coaching
Sex and Intimacy are gateways to profound connection- not just with a partner, but with yourself.
Your sexuality is a powerful, creative force that holds the key to your inner strength, authenticity and joy.
Yet, so many of us carry layers of shame, fear or misunderstanding around intimacy, shaped by past experiences, cultural messages or inherited beliefs.
Sex & Intimacy Coaching is an impulse to gently peel back those layers and reconnect with your natural essence. It’s about learning to embrace your desires, express your needs and open your heart to deeper love and connection.
This work reminds us that intimacy begins within and as we heal and honor our own sexuality, we create space for more pleasure, presence and freedom in all aspects of our lives.

What’s it all about?
Every session is as unique as you are. This is your space, and it’s guided by what feels most relevant for you right now. We’ll begin by getting clear on your needs- whether it’s untangling a specific challenge, navigating a relationship dynamic or simply getting more in touch with your desires and what intimacy means to you.
From there, we might dive into areas like:
• Communication and Boundaries: Practicing how to express your needs, desires and limits in a way that feels clear and authentic.
• Releasing Shame or Blockages: Gently exploring past experiences, cultural conditioning or inherited beliefs that may be holding you back.
• Awakening Sensuality: Reconnecting with your body through simple exercises like breathwork, body awareness or guided touch practices to deepen your connection to pleasure and presence.
• Relationship Dynamics: Exploring patterns, rebuilding trust, or learning ways to reignite passion and intimacy with a partner.
The session can include guided meditations, reflective exercises or practical tools you can use in your daily life or relationships. It’s always paced to what feels right for you: there’s no one-size-fits-all approach.
You can benefit from these sessions if you:
• Struggle to feel present in your body or find yourself disconnected during intimacy.
• Want to deepen your relationship with your body and explore your sensuality.
• Would like support in understanding boundaries and developing clear communication; whether it’s asking for what you want, sharing desires or fears or feeling more confident expressing yourself in intimate moments.
• Feel like emotional or physical blockages are holding you back from experiencing your full pleasure potential.
• Face challenges with arousal, such as feelings of numbness, dryness or difficulty getting in touch with your desire.
• Are curious about exploring or expanding your orgasmic potential, including learning practices for more expansive or multiple orgasms.
• Want to face and release any shame, guilt or fear you may carry around sex and intimacy.
• Are interested in exploring mindful self-pleasure as a way to build a stronger connection with yourself.
• Want to boost your confidence, feel more at ease in your sexuality and cultivate deeper, more meaningful connections.
• Are looking to develop or deepen your emotional awareness to bring more presence and authenticity to your relationships.
Sparked your interest?
Reach out and we find the right session for you darling!

Devoting to the Masculine
Honoring the masculine is an invitation to step into a deeper connection with the sacred essence of the masculine energy itself, whether that’s within or externalised. The act of devotion, of truly seeing and revering your partner’s essence beyond the human form, is a transformative practice that opens the door to soulful connections.
This offering is an opportunity to reconnect with the art of devotion and the power of honoring. It’s about learning to approach intimacy with presence, reverence and love, allowing it to become a sacred act of worship.
Private Masterclass
Welcome and Opening Conversation
We’ll begin with a warm and grounding conversation to understand your intentions for the session. This is an open space to share your experiences, ask questions and explore your relationship to the masculine- both within yourself and in the outer.
We’ll set clear intentions for the session and ensure you feel supported and at ease. -
Foundational Teachings: Understanding the Masculine
We’ll explore the archetype of the Divine Masculine and what it means to honor this energy. You’ll learn the principles of tantric intimacy, the difference between ordinary and devotional touch and the role of presence, love and intention in creating a meaningful experience. We’ll also go into the differences of feminine and masculine sexuality- what men need and how their body works from a tantric perspective.
Creating a Sacred Space for Worship
You’ll learn how to prepare both the physical and energetic space for this practice, turning it into a sacred ritual. We’ll discuss the importance of grounding, intention-setting and creating a safe container for intimacy- like candles, music, oils and your own energetic presence.
Hands on Exploration
Through hands-on exploration, you’ll discover how to bring intentionality and devotion into your touch so it can become a sacred act of connection. By practicing a variety of techniques and exercises, you’ll learn to infuse your movements with energetic gravity, creating a sense of presence and reverence. This practice goes beyond the physical, allowing you to anchor your partner in their body while cultivating a deeply meaningful and intimate connection.
Possible: Demonstration
You have the option to witness a step-by-step demonstration of a full-body tantric massage by me, where I will embody the essences we’ve talked about. Throughout the demonstration you’ll witness a genuine art form of reverent, devotional touch, allowing you to observe how energy is held and transmitted during the practice. As applicable, I’ll explain specific strokes, techniques, anatomy, and energy points, giving context to what you’re seeing. This is your opportunity to feel the energy and intention behind the practice and understand how touch can be transformed into a deeply sacred act, and ask questions afterwards.
Possible: Supervision
If you feel comfortable, this is where your partner or a model may join the session. I’ll guide you both through connection exercises, to ground the energy and cultivate a sense of trust and presence. From there, you’ll have the opportunity to practice what you’ve learned, with me offering gentle guidance and support to help you feel confident and aligned in your touch.
Alternatively, if you prefer, you can take the teachings home to practice with your partner privately. In this case, we’ll conclude with practical tips for bringing this sacred ritual into your intimate life. -
Possible: Follow Up
If you choose to practice at home, we’ll schedule a follow-up session to reflect on your experience, answer any questions, and refine your techniques. This is a chance to deepen your understanding and celebrate your progress in bringing sacred devotion into your relationship.
- You’ll receive a detailed PDF Guide to devotional bodywork and connective practices.
- Sacred Space Checklist
- Playlist and music recommendations
Upcoming Group Workshops
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